I am always looking forward to working with motivated and self-driven students interested in problems that bear real-world impact. The problems we explore in our lab require computational rigor, interdisciplinary investigation, and a passion for addressing outstanding challenges facing our societies and worlds today. If you are interested in talking to me about prospective projects, please drop me an email with your CV, information on your technical skills, and prior research experience, if any.

That said, I do receive very high volumes of emails from prospective students and others expressing an interest in collaboration. Unfortunately, my busy schedule does not always permit responding to all of the emails I receive; but a lack of response does not indicate a lack of interest. If you are not at Georgia Tech, the best path for getting engaged in my lab is to apply first to one of our PhD programs, such as human centered computing, computer science, or machine learning; please call me out as a potential advisor explaining your rationale. If you are at Georgia Tech, you may want to take one of the classes I teach or connect with members of SocWeB to find out if there are opportunities to get involved.